Engineered at Harvard University, napalm has become an instrument of mass destruction. Used extensively in 3 wars, napalm has proven itself as an effective tool in the military arsenal.
Although it was originally created at Harvard University, the government contracted Dow Chemicals to produce the sticky good in mass quantity for military use. Dow Chemicals came under scrutiny and was criticized heavily for its role in such a devastating weapon.
During WWII and the Korean War, napalm was used on gatherings of enemy troops in the open air, land vehicles, artillery and rocket launchers, service facilities, command centers, road blocks, fortifications, radar, airplanes, airstrips, bridges, and tunnels. Napalm was a popular weapon because of its broad uses and its ability to be forgiving with accuracy.
Most of us became aware of napalm because of its extent use during the Vietnam War.Unlike the previous war, napalm wasn't used to destroy but rather to burn down the jungle. The Viet Cong's geurilla techniques made them a worthy adversary. The ARVN (Army of the Republic of VietNam) and the US's Army needed a way to draw the VC troops out of their hiding positions in the jungle. This is where napalm comes into play. Once napalm starts to burn, it is very difficult to put out. Under attack of falling napalm, the VC troops had to either flee their current position, or risk being burned to death. doesn't want to condone such violent actions, rather we want to be able to let everybody who is interested to own a piece of history. The napalm we ship is very safe. It will only burn at a very high temperature, requiring thermite to act as its catalyst.

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